<body> ..weLc0mE t0 mY sPacE..
Friday, November 17, 2006

sorry to all the people affected with what I mentioned in my last post..

maybe I was in one of my 'moods' again..

honestly, I don't know why..

well, unless I see/feel/smell/taste/hear something that is annoying..

so, maybe that's why.. hmmHh..



hello,welcome!to my thoughts.my words.my mind.
ok, here goes..
black.purple.blue.pink.those are my fave colors.
rock music.i l0ve thaT!iT rulEs my life.heheh.and, there is no way i would not like rock music!well, unless when it gets SUPER loud!
cuTesY sTuff.that is, stuff toys, most especially!heheh.
i'M ouTgoinG.iF y0u diDn't kn0w thaT!i'D liKe t0 g0 ouT anD seE thE worlD.buT riGht n0w, n0t mucH timE.
hmmHm.. thaT's alL foR n0w! thanKs!ü


i wiSh.. (:


.:Fam0uS lasT woRdS:. xDD

.:weLc0mE t0 thE bLacK paRadE:. xDD

.:thE KilL:. xDD

.:sLeiGh ridE oR sLeiGh belLs:. xDD

.:8 dAyS oF ChRisTmaS:. xDD

.:anThEm oF ouR dYinG daY:. xDD

.:m0utH shuT:. xDD

.:eveRyThinG i'M noT:. xDD

.:m0theR m0theR:. xDD

.:cHaSinG caRs:. xDD

.:oveR mY hEaD:. xDD

.:tHe ResCuE:. xDD

.:h0w t0 savE a liFe:. xDD

.:viNdicaTeD:. xDD

.:bLuE sKy:. xDD

.:mY fRiEndS oveR y0u:. xDD